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Mini kit à 1€ (temps limité) de Véro - The french touch @ Digital-créa.com
Ma page avec la partie de Pink Lotty et de son freebie.
“Once Upon A Time, there were a group of deviant designers who wished to take the citizens of Deviantville on a magical journey. They packed up their horse and carts, saddled a sassy donkey and took the path less traveled. They wandered through enchanted forests, paused at the cliffs watch the dragons soar and visited the quirky, yet friendly folks, at Castle Von Deviant. With each step of the way, the citizens collected souvenirs and took copious photos to mark and remember this splendid adventure. In the end, all rejoiced in taking part of this enchanted journey to places that mere mortals only dream of.”
The Deviant Designers have done it again. They have gone above and beyond creative genius creating for this new collab. Once Upon A Time is a celebration of fairytales. Some of the kits simply celebrate the spirit of fairytales, while others are more tale specific. The beauty is they all work amazingly together. This C.Y.O.C. is sure to become a stash that you go to over and over to make your dreams and ideas come to life.
Nouveau kit de Pink Lotty, invitée de la boutique @ Digidesignresort.com ... Tout ses kits et papiers sont à -20%, profitez-en vite.